TUMS + Walmart
Diversity and Inclusion Program
brand experience page / information architecture / wireframes
Role: Senior Digital Art Director
Made for: TUMS, Walmart
Agency: Epsilon
In a world where digital disruption is affecting all industries, increasing diversity-driven innovation is a clear advantage. TUMS partnered with Walmart to create a brand experience page within walmart.com to promote values around diversity and inclusion by offering videos featuring family backgrounds, original recipes, and education for adults and children.

Due to the worldwide pandemic, we had to virtually cast, interview, shoot and edit three families with unique backgrounds and stories. Each family shared their original recipes for Walmart and TUMS customers.
Francia Family
Itua Family
Klos Family
How it works
We placed 2,473 end-cap units in Walmart stores nationwide.
Each end-cap featured info boxes with recipes as well as a QR code that launched the TUMS diversity and inclusion brand experience page.