Be Well. Stay Well. microsite
UX / UI / creative
Role: Senior Digital Art Director
Client: GlaxoSmithKlein
Agency: Epsilon
During the pandemic of 2020, GlaxoSmithKlein (GSK) identified the need to engage and inspire shoppers to take care of themselves by encouraging them to Be Well and Stay Well.
What we did
In order to drive this purpose, we developed a responsive microsite that served as a portal to help loyal customers take control of their wellness by enabling them to care for themselves and their families. The health-centric Be Well. Stay Well. site is a hub for articles, Covid-19 resources, FSA/HSA planning and calculator tools, and e-commerce platform for GSK brands.
FSA/HSA Calculator Tool
In 2020 Congress passed the CAREs act which broadened the number of over-the-counter (OTC) products and categories that are eligible for purchase with FSA/HSA funds. As the largest OTC manufacturer in the US, GSK is driving awareness and education on the changes while also providing consumers the ongoing tools to calculate and manage their funds.
Shortly thereafter, as part of the overall experience, we implemented the FSA/HSA Calculator on the site. This tool helps users calculate their healthcare spending and purchase GSK products on the site using an integrated Shoppable API.